Wim Hof Method

Eva Sigurðardóttir

Level 1

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Medical Doctor
First Aid

Training Specialty:
Level 1 Wim Hof Method instructor and a medical Doctor

Selfoss, Iceland

Level 1 Wim Hof Method instructor, medical doctor and nature lover. Let's get holistic and become more happy, healthy and strong!

Instructor Level

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Passionate about helping people transforming their mindset to the better, both towards themselves and others, by using the tools of concious breathing, any type of cold exposure and nature.

I‘m a mother of three, a wife, a medical doctor, nature lover and lover of life in general.

As a medical doctor I‘ve always been interested in individual and holistic approach as every person is different and unique. By taking a persons physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing into account, I do my best to provide support for people that seek my help to focus on their wellness and not just their illness. My main passion in life in general is to help people to feel better in and about themselves.

After many years of the combination of raising three children, attending medical school, doing crossfit and triathlon, housework and homework – I experienced severe burnout.

I‘d lost connection with my mind and body and realised that I‘d been on "autopilot" mode for too many years and that some drastic changes had to be made.

During my 2 years of recovery I discovered the Wim Hof Method. I immediately felt how the breathing excercises and cold exposure relaxed my body and mind. With time I got more energy and focus. My physical and mental health as well as the quality of my life in general increased drastically. I felt that I was in control over my own system again.

I haven‘t looked back ever since and now the Wim Hof Method is a big part of my daily life, both in my personal life as well as at my work as a medical doctor and a Wim Hof Method instructor.

I love to motivate and inspire people to find more balance in their lives. I love to help people feel how they can become themselves more – by not taking life so seriously as we tend to do in modern society, and see the positive in the negative.

I look forward to share my knowledge and help you become more happy, healthy and strong! 

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Passionate about helping people transforming their mindset to the better, both towards themselves and others, by using the tools of concious breathing, any type of cold exposure and nature.

I‘m a mother of three, a wife, a medical doctor, nature lover and lover of life in general.

As a medical doctor I‘ve always been interested in individual and holistic approach as every person is different and unique. By taking a persons physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing into account, I do my best to provide support for people that seek my help to focus on their wellness and not just their illness. My main passion in life in general is to help people to feel better in and about themselv...

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Eva Sigurðardóttir

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