Wim Hof Method

Privacy Statement Innerfire B.V. (Operating under the name Wim Hof Method)

March 31, 2022

Your privacy is of great importance to Innerfire B.V. Hence, we comply with privacy laws. This means that your data is always secure, and used responsibly. In this privacy statement we explain all the ways in which we utilize your personal information.

If you have any questions, or would like to know exactly what data we track, please contact Innerfire B.V.

Event signup

On our website you can sign up for events, where we use your PERSONAL information to process and register your application.

For this we use your IP address, e-mail address, name, location, nationality and payment details. We need these because of the agreement we enter into with you. We hold on to this information until your course has been completed, and seven years thereafter (this is the mandatory statutory period for the retention of data).

Web shop purchases

On our website you can purchase products, where we use your personal information to process and register your application.

For this we use your IP address, e-mail address, billing address, name, physical address, phone number and payment details. We need these because of the agreement we enter into with you. We hold on to this information until your course has been completed, and seven years thereafter (this is the mandatory statutory period for the retention of data).

Order processing

When you place an order with us, we use your personal data to be able to handle this properly. We can give your personal data to our delivery service to have the order delivered to you. We also receive information about your payment from your bank or credit card company.

For this we use your payment details, name, physical address, IP address, e-mail address, phone number and billing address. We need these because of the agreement we enter into with you. We hold on to this information until your course has been completed, and seven years thereafter (this is the mandatory statutory period for the retention of data).

Supply to third parties

We collaborate with certain companies, that can receive from us your heretofore mentioned personal information. An example would be the invoice we send with regard to your event. This is logged in our accounting system, the data of which is then shared with our accountant. You are entitled at all times to receive insight into what personal data we have stored, and with which parties this is being shared. See also the ‘Access, modification, and removal of your data’ section in this document.

Your user account

For access to certain sections of our website you must first register. This involves entering personal information and selecting a username. This is used to create a user account, which you can log into with that username and a self-selected password.

For this we use your name, physical address, e-mail address, billing address and IP address. This is in our legitimate interest. We hold on to this data until you terminate the user account.

We store this data so that you need not enter your details anew with repeat visits, and to contact you more easily when necessary. You can change your personal information in your user account whenever you want.

The Wim Hof Method app

For access to the Wim Hof Method app, you must first register a user account. This involves entering your email, first and last name, and a self-selected password. The data you enter here is tied to a unique user ID.

You can then log in with that username and password for subsequent use of the app.

For the iOS version of the app, once registered, you can also elect for the app to track certain health markers, such as heart rate, by opting in to the HealthKit feature. HealthKit data is only used to provide health, motion or fitness services in connection with the app. HealthKit data is not used for marketing, advertising or use-based data mining, including by third parties.

All the data described above is used for app functionality, analytics, and product personalization. 

In addition, any exercise results that you log in the app, as well as crash reports, are used for analytics. Crash reports are not linked to your identity. 

All of this is in our legitimate interest. We hold on to this data until you terminate the user account.

Contact form and newsletter

With the contact form you can ask us questions or submit requests.

For this we use your e-mail address, IP address and name. We do this with your consent. We hold on to this information until we are certain that you are happy with our response, and six months thereafter. This allows us to easily consult the information in the event of follow-up questions. It also allows us to improve our customer support service.

You can subscribe to our newsletter. This has news, tips, and information about our products and services. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Every newsletter contains an unsubscribe link. Your e-mail address is added to the list of subscribers with your permission only. This data is stored until you cancel the subscription.


We would like to send you information about special events, offers and new products or services, always related to the Wim Hof Method. We do this:

  • Via e-mail
  • Via social media

You can object to this service at any time. Every instance contains an explanation of how you can do this. Every e-mail contains an unsubscribe link. You can block us or use the unsubscribe option. You can indicate this when you are contacted by phone. You can also do this via your user account, or the portal.

Distribution to other companies or institutions

With the exception of user data acquired via application for events and web shop orders, under no circumstances do we give out your personal information to other companies or institutions, unless legally required to do so (for example when demanded by the authorities in case of a suspected crime).


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that allow us to store data so that you don’t need to keep filling out the same details upon repeat visits. It also allows us to see that you have visited us before.

When you visit our website for the first time, we display a notification explaining the use of cookies. By using our website, you agree to our use of these cookies.

You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but this does mean that some features of our website will not function properly.

We have entered into agreements with companies that store cookies, about the use of these cookies. However, we do not have full control over what they do with these cookies. Make sure to also read their privacy statements.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our website. We have entered into a processing contract with Google. This contains strict stipulations on what they are allowed to track. We allow Google to use the acquired Analytics data for other Google services. We have Google anonymize the IP addresses.


Security of personal data is of great importance to us. We make sure that your personal information is well secured. We continually update the security and keep a careful eye on potential gaps.

Changes to this privacy statement

When changes are made to our website, we must of course also adjust the privacy policy. Make sure to always note the date at the top, and routinely check for new versions. We will try our best to expressly announce changes.

Access, modification, and removal of your data

If you have any questions or would like to know what personal information we have stored, feel free to contact us. See contact details below.

You have the following rights:

  • Receive an explanation on what personal information we have stored, and what we do with it
  • Access to the exact personal information we have
  • Have errors corrected
  • Have outdated personal information removed
  • Withdrawal of consent
  • Removal of personal data
  • Object to certain usage

Make sure to always clearly state your identity, so that we do not inadvertently change or remove other people’s data.

Filing a complaint

If you find our service unsatisfactory, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisor. This is the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Contact details

Innerfire B.V.

Keizersgracht 516

1017 EJ Amsterdam


CRN 62594044