Wim Hof Method

Gitte Lindgaard

Level 2

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Yoga Teacher
Mindfulness Coach

Training Specialty:
Yoga - Nature - Personal Growth

Copenhagen, Denmark

Unlock your full potential and conquer every challange

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

(Dansk længere nede)

Hey you, welcome! My name is Gitte Lindgaard and I am happy to welcome you here on my page. The Wim Hof Method is what I do for a living. It’s more than my job. It’s my passion and joy. I am embodying the nordic spirit and power and it’s from this place of knowledge and wisdom that I am looking to share this beautiful and powerful method with you <3

I have worked with thousans of people from all over the world for more than a decade, helping them to live a more authentic joyful life through the WHM, Yoga Therapy and Nordic Shamanism. 

I'm the only Danish instructor who is teaching at the expeditions with Wim Hof ​​himself. Lately I'm not only teaching, but also supervising the group of instructors, who is teaching at Wims travels. 

I also teach at the Wim Hof Academy, where future WHM instructors get cetified. 

So know that you are in safe and capable hands.

Even though we do not have mountains we can climb in Denmark, I will help and guide you to navigate your inner nature and climb your own inner mountains. 

I believe that we are all filled with wisdom and innate power - my role is simply to remind you of your own inherent life force. So I want to ask you; are you ready to ignite your inner fire and unleash a more joyful energy in your everyday life. 

Do you want to learn to listen to and breathe life into the whispers you hear from your deepest selves?


Do you yearn but don't know how to live from a place within yourself that is overflowing with self-love?


Do you want to be guided deeper and to be shown the way to live a magnificent life?


Do you  want a joy-filled existence?


Do you crave to connect with and experience meaning in your life in a new way?


It all starts here. Take your first step with me. 

Join me and experience how the body is capable of so much more than we think is possible. Learn how you can achieve so much more than you have let your self believe.

For many generations, the power of breathing and cold has been forgotten. These are tools that have become dull and blurred.With the mindset of the Wim Hof method we can reclaim and learn about its potential. The potential to bring us home to a core of us, where we can stand untouched by lifes fluctuations as we stand strong, happy and healthy.

The time has come for us to once again use this powerful tool and gain access to our life force and all its potential.

When you work consciously with the method you learn not only to survive but to thrive. The soul comes alive and it's all under your control.

Let me show you that you are captain of your soul and master of your faith.

Hej og velkommen! Jeg hedder Gitte Lindgaard og jeg er glad for at byde dig velkommen her på min side. Wim Hof-metoden er mit levebrød. Det er nu langt mere end bare mit job. Det er min passion og glæde. Jeg arbejder med den nordiske ånd og kraft, og det er fra dette sted af viden og visdom, jeg søger at dele denne smukke og kraftfulde metode med dig <3

Jeg har arbejdet med tusindvis af mennesker fra hele verden i mere end et årti og hjulpet dem til at leve et mere autentisk of glædesfyldt liv gennem WHM, Yogaterapi og nordisk shamanisme.

Jeg er den eneste danske instruktør, der underviser på ekspeditionerne med Wim Hof ​​selv. På det seneste underviser jeg ikke kun, men superviserer også gruppen af ​​instruktører, som underviser på Wims rejser.

Jeg underviser også på Wim Hof ​​Akademiet, hvor fremtidige WHM-instruktører bliver certificeret.

Så vid, at du er i trygge og dygtige hænder.

Selvom vi ikke har bjerge vi kan bestige i Danmark, vil jeg hjælpe og guide dig til at navigere i din indre natur og bestige dine egne indre bjerge.

Jeg tror på, at vi alle er fyldt med visdom og medfødt kraft – min rolle er simpelthen at minde dig om din egen iboende livskraft. Så jeg vil spørge dig; er du klar til at tænde din indre ild og slippe en mere glædesfyldt energi løs i din hverdag?

Vil du lære at lytte til og puste liv i den hvisken du hører fra dit dybeste selv?

Har du lyst til at blive guidet dybere og vist vejen til at leve et storslået liv?

Vil du have en glædesfyldt tilværelse?

Har du lyst til at forbinde dig med og opleve mening i dit liv på en ny måde?

Det hele starter her. Tag dit første skridt med mig.

Tag med mig og oplev, hvordan kroppen er i stand til så meget mere, end vi tror er muligt. Lær, hvordan du kan opnå så meget mere, end du har ladet dig selv tro.

I mange generationer er åndedrættets og kuldens kraft blevet glemt. Det er værktøjer, der er blevet uskabe og sløve. Med Wim Hof-metodens mindset kan vi genvinde og lære om dens potentiale. Potentialet til at bringe os hjem til et center i os, hvor vi kan stå uberørt af livets svingninger, fordi vi står stærkt, glædesfyldte og sunde.

Tiden er inde til, at vi igen skal bruge dette kraftfulde værktøj og få adgang til vores livskraft og alt dets potentiale. 

Når du arbejder bevidst med metoden, lærer du ikke kun at overleve, men at trives. Sjælen bliver levende, og det hele er under din kontrol.

Lad mig vise dig, at du er kaptajn over din sjæl og herre over din skæbne.


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(Dansk længere nede)

Hey you, welcome! My name is Gitte Lindgaard and I am happy to welcome you here on my page. The Wim Hof Method is what I do for a living. It’s more than my job. It’s my passion and joy. I am embodying the nordic spirit and power and it’s from this place of knowledge and wisdom that I am looking to share this beautiful and powerful method with you <3

I have worked with thousans of people from all over the world for more than a decade, helping them to live a more authentic joyful life through the WHM, Yoga Therapy and Nordic Shamanism. 

I'm the only Danish instructor who is teaching at the expeditions with Wim Hof ​​himself. Lately I'm not only teaching, but also superv...

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Gitte Lindgaard

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