Wim Hof Method

Hassan Haidar

Level 1

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Training Specialty:
Stress Inoculation

Toronto, ON, Canada

Instructor Level


After spending most of my 20s following a path I believed would lead to happiness, I found myself in a constant state of burnout, lacking passion, and neglecting my health. It felt as if life was passing me by rather than my actively participating in it. Everything changed when I incorporated the Wim Hof Method into my daily life. Through conscious breathing and embracing the challenges of cold exposure, I delved deep into the wellspring of resilience encoded in my DNA. I began to believe in my own power and recognized that this latent potential resides within all of us, just waiting to be unlocked. My purpose now is to serve my community, fostering growth and helping the world become happier, healthier, and stronger.

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After spending most of my 20s following a path I believed would lead to happiness, I found myself in a constant state of burnout, lacking passion, and neglecting my health. It felt as if life was passing me by rather than my actively participating in it. Everything changed when I incorporated the Wim Hof Method into my daily life. Through conscious breathing and embracing the challenges of cold exposure, I delved deep into the wellspring of resilience encoded in my DNA. I began to believe in my own power and recognized that this latent potential resides within all of us, just waiting to be unlocked. My purpose now is to serve my community, fostering growth and helping the world become happie...

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