Wim Hof Method

Marieke Mastebroek

Level 1

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Training Specialty:
Swim coaching and stroke mechanics, high school teaching, Wim Hof Method, Health & Welness

Euless, Texas, USA

Ms. Mastebroek is a former European Champion swimmer, an honors graduate of SMU, a mother of 4, and a Certified Wim Hof Instructor

Instructor Level


As a former world-class athlete, Big-Four consultant, entrepreneur, head swim coach, and high school teacher, I have developed a passion for helping people optimize their health and life. The Wim Hof Method is an incredible tool for this. The Method was instrumental in my own healing after misfortune caused my health and life to deteriorate to an ultimate low. Amongst the benefits I experienced is the complete reversal of symptoms from spondylo arthritis--I am now pain-free. I am humbled to help others achieve results similar to mine.

Marieke Mastebroek

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