Wiebke Dirks
Level 1
Training Specialty:
Stress Balance & Resilience, Nature Psycology, Mental Toughness
Stuttgart, Germany
Wiebke Dirks Training & Beratung. Natural Biohacking. - Deine wahre Natur will dich zurück!
Instructor Level
Wiebke has been coaching people in the fields of environmental protection, politics, the corporate world & sports – and also Extreme and Olympic Athletes.
She is a Biohacking Projekt Designer and Speaker, i.e. for Biohacking Bad Dürrheim and Biohacking Days Stuttgart, featured on Voice America, SWR Südwest Rundfunk, Radio Fermo Uno, Geheimtipp Stuttgart and other media. As a giornalist she writes for the US Biohacking Update Magazine and other print and online publications.
Science & Seminars: As a guest lecturer of German „Duale Hochschule“ academy she has been teaching methodologies of scientific work and self profiling to find your mission in life. Based on her expertise as an ecologist (Univ.), Stress & Resilience Coach and Business Instructor (IHK), Wiebke has more than 20 years of international experience in creating fantastic workshops and seminars, blending nature psychology, archetypal and positive psychology with The Work of Byron Katie, breathwork and cold exposure.
Roots & Mission: To connect us human beings with our inner nature and with outer eco systems - for a life path full of peace, fullfilment and service. The wild roots of Wiebkes methodology have grown in Wiebke’s university studies as well as aprenticeship with Native American elders, international leadership experience and her creative path to deal with childhood trauma and burn-out.
Fotos: Change Guide, Sarah Mochar/Biohacking Bad Dürrheim
Read lessWiebke has been coaching people in the fields of environmental protection, politics, the corporate world & sports – and also Extreme and Olympic Athletes.
She is a Biohacking Projekt Designer and Speaker, i.e. for Biohacking Bad Dürrheim and Biohacking Days Stuttgart, featured on Voice America, SWR Südwest Rundfunk, Radio Fermo Uno, Geheimtipp Stuttgart and other media. As a giornalist she writes for the US Biohacking Update Magazine and other print and online publications.
Science & Seminars: As a guest lecturer of German „Duale Hochschule“ academy she has been teaching methodologies of scientific work and self profiling to find your mission in life. Based on her expertise as an ecologist ...