Having good mental health speaks to your overall psychological well-being and is therefore essential for living a happy and healthy life. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to take care of your mental health. However, with our lives under continuous change, stress arises. A healthy stress response is a good thing. It primes your body to tackle challenges. Unfortunately, your body does not return to its normal state after the stressor has gone away because it cannot distinguish serious threats from everyday challenges. As chronic stress is extremely harmful to your mental health, stress management is a crucial part of our daily lives.
The Wim Hof Method helps you to reduce your stress levels and to create habits to improve mental health. Besides following the method, there are also other simple yet powerful activities to improve mental health. Activities such as exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, are some examples. By endorsing these habits and practicing the WHM, both your mental and emotional well-being will improve rapidly.