Wim Hof Method
18 - 18 May
WHM Advanced Workshop
PeR Il Parco dell`Energia Rinnovabile, Guardea, Province of Terni, Italy with Alessandro Ronca
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            Experience Theory to get an impression of WHM Advanced Workshop at Guardea
Image 1 of 1 -
            Experience Theory to get an impression of WHM Advanced Workshop at Guardea
1 days
18 May
18 May


In this workshop, the pillars of the Wim Hof Method will be expanded and elaborated upon: cold exposure, breathing exercises and commitment. You will learn new and advanced techniques in the Wim Hof Method. Upon completion, you will have the tools you need to improve your energy flow, increase your body’s flexibility and mind focus - gaining this awareness will help you enhance the mind-body connection.

Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified WHM Level 2 Instructor and learn more about the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: breathing technique, cold exposure & commitment. Find out how you can expand your practise into the Wim Hof Method and learn about the underlying physiology.

These workshops are limited to 30 participants, and Instructors often choose to keep them much smaller. The intimate quality allows for ample personal attention, and feedback tailored to your specific situation. Whether you are looking to improve mental or physical performance, relieve symptoms related to an illness, or want to know more about the Wim Hof Method practise - a WHM Advanced Workshop offers something for everyone who wants to expand their Wim Hof Method practise.

The specifics of each program can vary based on the specialisation of the Instructor and the focus of the activity. 

Who is this workshop for?

The workshop is suitable for intermediate level Wim Hof Method practitioners looking to deepen their practice. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.

Star Star Star Star Star [135]

-In following the three pillars of the method, you too can provide yourself with a life upgrade.

Instructor level


Ice Bath
Physical Activity

What you get

Approfondisci il metodo Wim Hof con nuove tecniche di respirazione e esposizione al ghiaccio avanzata


Although there is always a rough outline, 'no program' a Wim Hof Method mantra. For the best experience, go in with an open mind and without expectations. The start- and end times listed in this section are subject to change.

Please make sure that you show your order number on arrival, either on a print-out or via your phone.

We advise to eat light, if at all, before the workshop.

Domenica 18/05/2024

Progressi scientifici e tecniche avanzate
Sessioni di respirazioni avanzate
Pausa pranzo
Preparazione alle esposizioni avanzate
Esposizione al ghiaccio avanzata
Analisi della giornata e compiti a casa

What to bring

What to bring

Suggeriti tuta da ginnastica, un costume da bagno, un materassino e un telo mare o accapatoio e cibatte


Verra offerto ai partecipanti un pranzo vegetariano e merenda a fine corso


PeR Il Parco dell`Energia Rinnovabile, Guardea, Province of Terni, Italy


Il corso verrà svolto presso il Parco dell'Energia Rinnovabile di Frattuccia, centro di ricerca e sviluppo di tecniche e tecnologie per la sostenibilità ambientale. E' possibile soggiornare al centro il giorno prima e dopo il workshop.


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