Discover your true potential. Join Wim Hof's Winter Expedition — March 9 to 15
Experience the incredible effects of the Wim Hof Method for yourself
Join the class and learn the basics in this FREE video course
Here's what you learn in the 3-part Mini Class

Class 1
The power of breathing
How we breathe has a powerful effect on our physiology. In Class 1 you'll learn the scientific breathing technique to significantly improve your energy levels. Detox the body, relieve stress and tension, and strengthen your immune system.

Class 2
The power of cold shower
The cold isn't as scary as you think. Gradual cold exposure, through cold showers gives your vascular system a workout, helping to burn fat & increase the 'feel good' chemicals in the brain. In Class 2 you'll learn how to improve your cold tolerance... enjoy it!

Class 3
The power of your mind
The final piece of the puzzle and the most important, is the power of the mind-body connection. In Class 3 you'll learn about the power of intention and how to use what you've learnt in Class 1 & 2 to take back control and live your ideal life.
Here's what others have to say

Find your inner power with the Wim Hof Method
Over time, our relationship with the world we live in has changed. Our lifestyles have disconnected us from the natural environment. Because of this disconnection, our age-old survival mechanisms are no longer triggered and we’ve lost touch with our inner power.
Because we wear clothes and artificially control the temperatures at home and at work, we've greatly reduced the natural stimulation of our bodies, atrophying the age-old mechanisms related to our survival and basic function. Because these deeper physiological layers are no longer triggered, our bodies no longer utilize the inner fire that lies dormant inside our DNA. This is a powerful force that can be reawakened by practicing the Wim Hof Method.
- Wim Hof