Dominique Stulens
Level 3
Training Specialty:
Wim Hof Method / Osteopath
Bilzen, België
You can do só much more than you think. Together, we do the únthinkable
Instructor Level
(*Nederlands zie beneden)
"Dominique "Dom" Stulens is known for his high energy, playfull and enthusiastic teaching style.
- Taking in Wims words "Easy does it" He has turned it into a passion and a mission to teach and to pass on the Wim Hof Method as safe, simple, pure and playfull as possible.
- Ever since certification in 2019, he joined Wim and his Team of instructors on the famous Winter - and Summer Travels. Since a couple of years he there explains the Mindset Pillar and the Science behind the WHMethod.
- Dominique is also part of the "Teacher-Team" of the Wim Hof Academy where the new generations of certified WHM instructors are trained.
- He organises WHM fundamentals & advanced workshops all over Flanders (Belgium) and has WHM weekends in the Belgian Ardens during the winter months. Once a year he organises a WHM winter Travel in Poland.
- In january 2024 he explained the (newest) science of the WHM during the Wim Hof Live online event.
- In August 2024, together with Wim and leandre Iceboy Omeir, he explained the WHM Mindset, WHM Breathing and cold exposure theroy and practicals at the Biggest WHM Live event ever in Cologne where 3500 participants where guided by 65 WHM Instructors.
Wim Hof:
“All these diseases and depressions and all that. People think it is normal. I think it is sick. We have to go back to the Love, The Lost Love. It’s my mission to scienctifically proof that everybody is able to consciously govern their own happiness, strength and Health. And when you radiate happiness, strenght and Health, we radiate Love. So Love is my Mission.”
"A forgotten and hidden Life Intelligence and Life force are hidden gems inside us all and are waiting to be consciously reawakend and reactivated. This is the “forgotten Love" where Wim refers to when he stated his mission in 2014.
We live in a lighting speed society, were we are - since early on in childhood - submitted to conditioned beliefs, we are trained to block our healthy emotions and learned to trade unconditional Love is for external validation. A comfortbased life and possesions seem to be a shortlived relief, while we forgot we just looking for Love.
Yet, despite our comfortable Modern Life and all our possesions, we don’t seem to handle stress and adversity to well. And even though we may “have it all”, something feels off. We feel that “something is missing.” Numerous People get depressed, suffer from chronic inflammation and auto immune disease and cardiovascular diseases. We feel stuck on so many different levels without finding long lasting solutions.
"We we thaught to trade authentic self confidence and uncondtionoal Love for an exhausting, unfulfilling and neverending quest for external validation."
Wim and his Method have shown us a way to guide us out of this Labyrinth. With it’s the powerfull techniques, the WHM breathing and WHM style Ice Bathing, we use the two most powerful and basic elements on this planet, Mother Nature: oxygen and cold water.
- Within the WHM, we recogise the existence of our Innate Life intelligence and Life Force, our innate Healing capacities. We intent to reactivate it consciously with the WHM breathing and WHM Cold exposure. (Mindset)
- We intentionally use the two most powerefull and gifts of mother Nature (oxygen and cold water) to create and experience deep transformational experience. (Feeling is understanding).
- These Powerfull, Life changing experiences help people to go out of their mind, back into the heart. Anxiety and fear alchemistically turn into Peace and Trust. Blocked emotions are felt again and start to flow naturally. Doubt and confusion turn into clarity and peace of mind. What a journey!
People feel a regained or even new, natural and authentic self confidence and finally experience True and unconditional self Love. Which has been Wim Hof’s mission from the beginning. Happiness, Strength and Health are the natural consequence of committed and conscious practice of the WHM.
The beauty of all this, is that the WHM is scientifically endorsed, beyond speculation.
- The endotoxine studies (2011 - 2022) showed that we are able to influence the autonomic nervous system at will: strengtening the immune system and lowering inflammation, which is the cause and effect of any disease.
- The Mind of body study (2018) showed that we - willingly - are able to influence higher cortical brain functions of our central nervous system, resulting in better regulation of mood, anxiety and emotions, painkilling and improved cognitive functioning.
- The latest neuroscience (HEIR 2024) showed that we are able to stabilise this feeling of inner safety and self Love by changing the neurological network in our central nervous system in just a relatively short period of practice of 6 weeks. (Self directed or intentional neuroplasticity).
This neurological network stabilises our regained feeling and authentic self confidence and helps us to deal with anxiety, emotions and doubt of daily life and helps us to live at full potential.
"Dominique is gekend voor zijn energieke en enthousiaste "teachingstyle". Onder Wim's motto "Easy does it" legt hij de WHM simpel, praktisch en verstaanbaar uit. Met de nodige humor. Dominique heeft hierbij de gave om de noden van iedere deelnemer feilloos aan te voelen".
Dominique gaat jaarijks mee met Wims befaamde Winter - en Summer Travels. Dominique is ook Teacher aan de WHM Academy, dat verantwoordelijk is voor de opleiding van de nieuwste generatie Certified WHM instructors.
Dominique is een van de weinige Level 3 Certified Wim Hof Method Instructors wereldwijd. In België is hij de eerste ooit en momenteel nog de enige.
Begin 2023 legde hij de (nieuwste) wetenschap uit tijdens de "Wim Hof Live", een wereldwijde online workshop met Wim Hof.
In augustus '24 stond hij samen met Wim en Leandre "Iceboy" Omeir "on stage" in Keulen tijdens het grootste WHM event ooit (maar liefst 3500 deelnemers). Samen met leandre legde hij er de WHM Mindset, WHM ademhaling en Practical Cold exposure uit.
Missie: "I'm a man on Wims Mission in my own style!"
de WHM methode is zo veelzijdig in de breedte en zo oneindig in de diepte, dat iedereen deze methode zou moeten aanleren. Reeds in de middelbare school. Bovendien zou ze van mij deel moeten uitmaken van ons gezondheids- en zorgsysteem.
Het is daarom gaandeweg een Missie geworden om Wims Mooie Boodschap & Krachtige Methode aan zoveel mogelijk mensen in zijn puurste vorm over te brengen: Speels & Simpel.
We worden gedreven door een aangeboren intelligentie en een ongelooflijke Levenskracht. "We are born with it, but it is not schooled.'
Door sociale conditionering verliezen we langzaam maar zeker het noodzakelijke contact met deze innerlijke wijsheid en kracht en vergeten hoe krachtig we zijn en hoe intelligent ons lichaam is. Dit resulteert in een pandemie van depressies, burn-outs, auto-immuunziekten en andere aandoeningen.
De Wim Hof Methode is wetenschappelijk ondersteund en kan een immense preventieve en helpende rol spelen in het ontstaan en oplossen van al deze aandoeningen.
De eerste stap is te her-inneren dat we door deze intuitie en Life force gereven worden. Met de WHM ademhaling en WHM cold exposure help ik je vervolgens om deze diepe verbinding in ere te herstellen. Voorbij angst, voorbij twijfel met respect voor onze menselijke emoties en grenzen.
Zodat je, gedreven door zelfvertrouwen en vitaliteit opnieuw (meer) controle krijgt over je eigen gezondheid, lichamelijke en fysieke weerstand, vitaliteit en geluk en het Leven schept dat je Hart je influistert.
Ik kan zeggen dat Wim mijn leven niet alleen veranderd, maar zelfs gered heeft.
Deelnemen aan een workshop of een weekend?
Mensen hebben onterecht angst voor het nemen van een ijsbad. Het is echt veel gemakklijker dan je denkt :-) Met veel Liefde, humor en zorg leer ik je hoe je de mindset van de WHM kan gebruiken om je perspectief te veranderen en de krachtige tools van de WHM (Ademtechnieken en Koude) kan inzetten om die angsten, twijfels terug te overwinnen. Just do it. Het wordt een levensveranderende ervaring die je nooit meer zal vergeten. That's guaranteed!
Ik kijk er alvast erg naar uit je te ontmoeten in een van mijn workshops en/of weekends
All the Love, All the Power,
Dominique "Dom" Stulens
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(*Nederlands zie beneden)
"Dominique "Dom" Stulens is known for his high energy, playfull and enthusiastic teaching style.
- Taking in Wims words "Easy does it" He has turned it into a passion and a mission to teach and to pass on the Wim Hof Method as safe, simple, pure and playfull as possible.
- Ever since certification in 2019, he joined Wim and his Team of instructors on the famous Winter - and Summer Travels. Since a couple of years he there explains the Mindset Pillar and the Science behind the WHMethod.
- Dominique is also part of the "Teacher-Team" of the Wim Hof Academy where the new generations of certified WHM instructors are trained.
- He organises WHM fundamentals
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