For a long time, I have been fascinated with exploring body and mind. This fascination let me on an amazing journey with beautiful adventures like training kung fu with monks in China, playing barefoot football in the snow with Wim, trying to make sense of shamans and much more.
I took my first workshop with Wim in 2012 (I was 20 at the time) and I was hooked. I love the method for its power, simplicity and playful mentality while maintaining the connection with science and common sense. For me the essence of the WHM is about connection. Connecting to inner and outer nature; Connecting body & mind and connecting to myself and others.
About me as a teacher
I love sharing these beautiful techniques and principles and take people with me on a journey of exploring body & mind.
I became one of the first WHM instructors, was part of the making of the fundamental online course and have been teaching at the whm academy from 2017 - 2023 (teaching the teachers). Apart from that, I have taught thousands of people from all over the world. From Olympic athletes, to people with health problems.
In general in my teaching I like to create a safe and playful atmosfere. I have an emphasis on developing better (body) awareness and intuition and using breathing to explore body&mind. Apart from the WHM, I use other techniques and principles from other methods to fascilitate learning.
Some other explorations in body and mind:
On my 'journey to find out' I try to navigate the interesting waters in between science, religion, common sense and amazing experiences and see where they can meet each other, attempting to remain very sceptical and accepting at the same time.
Breathwork: I am a breath coach in ‘methode beter ademen’, I have explored many different breathing methods including buteyko, quantum light breath and systema breathwork. Movement: I am a trainer in the kinesica method. Apart from that I have trained in many different movement methods and styles. Nature connection: I am a wildernis pedagogue and love different forms of connecting to nature, from bushcraft and edible plants to training the senses.
Meditation: I am a great fan of vipassana meditation.
Academical: In university I studied a combination of philosophy, linguistics, anthropology and religious studies.
Martial arts: I have trained in systema and different Chinese and Thai martial arts. I have trained martial arts intensively in both China and Thailand.
Read less For a long time, I have been fascinated with exploring body and mind. This fascination let me on an amazing journey with beautiful adventures like training kung fu with monks in China, playing barefoot football in the snow with Wim, trying to make sense of shamans and much more.
I took my first workshop with Wim in 2012 (I was 20 at the time) and I was hooked. I love the method for its power, simplicity and playful mentality while maintaining the connection with science and common sense. For me the essence of the WHM is about connection. Connecting to inner and outer nature; Connecting body & mind and connecting to myself and others.
About me as a teacher
I love sharing these beautiful t...
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