I am conducting courses in English, German & Portugues ++ Portugues embaixo ++
The WHM has changed my life and of thousands of other people
It can transforms yours too!
Julian passionately believes that by practicing the WHM, by learning how to improve your connection with yourself, breathing, exploring the cold, training our mindset, we can lead a more balanced and joyful life.
Originally from Germany and after having lived and worked in 5 countries and travelled 45, Julian now transits between Brazil and Germany.
His engineering background and 10+ years in an international leading cooperate position let him fully embrace the science of WHM and being albe to attend a diverse audience. He is also on constant journey of personal development.
Exactly this balance of science, intuition and a highly experiential journey makes his participants thrive in the workshops.
He will guide you in managing your thoughts and emotions in a different approach.
Togeher we will train to develop a flexible mindset that will allow to find power and peace in the present moment.
You will gain mastery so that you can move forward happy, healthy, powerful and in balance.
And we will have fun!
Sign up for the next Fundamentals course!
O Metodo Wim Hof mudou minha vida e a de milhares de outras pessoas
Ele pode transformar a sua também!
Julian acredita apaixonadamente que, praticando o metodo Wim Hof, aprendendo a mehlorar nossa coneção, respirando, fazendo a imersão no gelo e treinando nossa mentalidade, podemos levar uma vida mais equilibrada e alegre.
Originário da Alemanha e depois de ter vivido em 5 países e viajado 45, Julian vive entre Brasil e Alemanha.
Sua formação em engenharia e mais de 10 anos de cooperação internacional permitem que ele abrace plenamente a ciência, que é a base do WHM. Por outro lado, ele está em constante jornada de desenvolvimento pessoal.
Exatamente este equilíbrio da ciência, intuição e uma jornada altamente experiencial faz com que seus participantes prosperem nos workshops.
Ele te guiará na gestão de seus pensamentos/ mindset e emoções em uma abordagem diferente.
Juntos treinaremos para desenvolver uma mentalidade flexível que permita encontrar poder no momento presente.
Você ganhará domínio para que possa seguir em frente mais feliz, saudável, poderoso e em equilíbrio.
E nós nos divertiremos também!
Inscreva-se no próximo curso de Fundamentals
Read less I am conducting courses in English, German & Portugues ++ Portugues embaixo ++
The WHM has changed my life and of thousands of other people
It can transforms yours too!
Julian passionately believes that by practicing the WHM, by learning how to improve your connection with yourself, breathing, exploring the cold, training our mindset, we can lead a more balanced and joyful life.
Originally from Germany and after having lived and worked in 5 countries and travelled 45, Julian now transits between Brazil and Germany.
His engineering background and 10+ years in an international leading cooperate position let him fully embrace the science of WHM and being albe to attend a diverse aud...
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