Wim Hof Method

Laura Warren

Level 2

Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star (15)
First Aid
Fitness Coach

Training Specialty:
Bachelor of Physical Education and Diploma in Nutritional Science,

New Zealand

'Just Breathe, Trust, Let Go and allow the Magic to Happen'

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

LIVE WILD NZ Services are dedicated to inspiring connection back to natural living, vitality, freedom, and self through one on one education, group workshops, corporate wellness and unique experience retreats.

I have been in the Health and Wellness industry for 18 years working as a Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health practitioner, Personal Trainer and Breathwork Instructor.

I work with clients to get to the root cause of any health issue and aim to empower clients to make choices around food and lifestyle that support optimal well-being.

I was drawn to the Wim Hof Method to enhance my own physical performance as well as always being on the look out for simple and effective practice...

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15 Reviews

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8 March, 2020
Contain a wider variety of food for allergies.
Hey Eleanor You came to a 3 hour fundamental workshop. We provided a range of sushi options, fruit and wholefood gluten free slices. You are reminded in the email before the workshop to bring suitable snacks if you have allergies or a specific diet.
24 February, 2020
Great energy from the onset. I've been practising elements of the Wim Hof method for about 18 months now - but this workshop took it to the next level. Found a new depth to my breath work and breathing retention practise. The ice bath was amazing. Highly recommended workshop!
24 February, 2020
The most confusing part was paying in euros
Thanks for the feedback George - as the website and company base is in Europe all WIm Hof Method courses are charged in Euros.
23 February, 2020
My only comment would be I wise the bathroom wasn’t 300 meters away and maybe I little bit more information beforehand.
Hey Andrew yes the 300m walk to the toilet was a surprise for me as well. HOpe you enjoed the rest of the day. You should have received a full information email before the event. On occasion peopkle have found this later in there spam file depending on their email settings.
23 February, 2020
Thanks Laura for traveling to Hawke's Bay to share your knowledge on the WHM.
Although I have known about Wim from growing up in NL.
The reason I signed up for the WHM was to learn a different way on how to deal with the challenge of being cold and the stress effects it has on me.
I never understood how people coped in NZ winter going outside barefoot and wearing shorts, or live in a cold home.
It was very warm on the training day, so a 3 degrees C ice bath sounds appealing.
And it was... stinging cold, both times!!
The lessons for me were found in the changes of being able to looking after myself before, during and after the ice bath using the WHM breathing techniques and mindset.
Thanks very much Laura, I enjoyed your way of teaching, enthusiasm and support. Bedankt Wim for figuring this out and sharing this.
I'm looking forward to do this again... on a cold day.