Entrepreneur, author, swim coach, competitive swimmer, ice swimmer, husband and father, and daily WHM practitioner and instructor
Born and raised in Chicago and a graduate of Arizona State University, I moved to Prague in the early 90s. I have since married a Czech woman and become a permanent resident. I manage a business and swim competitively.
The WHM caught my attention as I searched how to handle the cold and improve performance in the water. Yet after just a few weeks of daily practice I realized how much more the method can offer; from health and healing to body intelligence and self-understanding. My moods improved, my energy increased, and my appreciation of many things around me grew. I decided quickly that I wanted to become an instructor.
I have been a career entrepreneur in Prague since 1994, opening multiple businesses over the years. In 2021 I wrote Diving Back In, a memoir detailing the joy and satisfaction we can find in life when we get out of our comfort zone.
I became a WHM instructor in January of 2022 and look forward to sharing the method and all its benefits with as many others as possible.
Specific issues that I can help you with through the WHM include: Anxiety, self-esteem, depression, performance, mood, mental focus, energy level, endurance, stress management, breathing efficiency, and much more.
On The Method:
I came to the WHM as an athlete and appreciate all that it is done for me in my training and competitions, but I feel even more gratitude for the method and its extraordinary benefits in the other areas of my life. Through the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method: breathwork, cold exposure and mindset, we improve our life NOW in so many ways while also preparing for whatever the future holds.
Through Wim’s breathing techniques, we not only improve our lung capacity and endurance, we also tap into our autonomous nervous system and cleanse our blood, working out our cardiovascular system all the while. And then we learn to go deeper into ourselves.
With the cold, we learn to face our fears regularly, and stay comfortable and under control while handling them. Gradual and regular cold exposure helps to get us into the habit of facing our stressful situations head on rather than putting them off or avoiding them. And physically the cold exposure strengthens our immune system while giving us a jolt of happy hormones, energy, clarity, and focus.
And through our Mindset, the third pillar of the WHM, we fine-tune our approach to the method and to many aspects of life as we confront head-on our internal dialogues. We learn to manage those dialogues consciously and take more control over our lives.
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Entrepreneur, author, swim coach, competitive swimmer, ice swimmer, husband and father, and daily WHM practitioner and instructor
Born and raised in Chicago and a graduate of Arizona State University, I moved to Prague in the early 90s. I have since married a Czech woman and become a permanent resident. I manage a business and swim competitively.
The WHM caught my attention as I searched how to handle the cold and improve performance in the water. Yet after just a few weeks of daily practice I realized how much more the method can offer; from health and healing to body intelligence and self-understanding. My moods improved, my energy increased, and my appreciation of many things around ...
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