Wim Hof Method

Merrill Cushman

Level 1

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Mindfulness Coach

Training Specialty:
Wim Hof Style

Boston, MA, USA

Merrill is a Wim Hof Instructor and Wellness Travel Guide

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

Merrill Cushman is a Certified Wim Hof instructor, Ice Bath Boston coach and Wellness travel guide. He found breathing and cold exposure on a starry summer night in August 2021. Up till this point, he’d been suffering 5 months of debilitating depression and anxiety. After doing 15 minutes of Wim Hof breathing that night, it was the first time he wasn’t over-thinking, worrying about the future, and sincerely looked forward to the next day. Yet, he would practice the method on and off when he felt like it.

Then one morning in January 2022, after taking adderall and scrolling on his phone to the point of his feet going numb on the toilet, he decided to go ALL in with the Wim Hof Method. This meant waking up everyday starting with breathwork, cold shower, followed by meditation… EVERYDAY. His hypothesis was, “if my mind-body got really good at feeling the emotions of suffering, could I rewire it to feel the emotions of happiness, strength and health until it became who I am?”

In 3 months time he put on 20ibs of muscle, felt passion and joy for life, and got hired at a dream position with a travel company. He accredits this to the power of commitment to one's health and well-being, having a vision for something greater, and using the Wim Hof method (in this case) to show others what is possible.


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Merrill Cushman is a Certified Wim Hof instructor, Ice Bath Boston coach and Wellness travel guide. He found breathing and cold exposure on a starry summer night in August 2021. Up till this point, he’d been suffering 5 months of debilitating depression and anxiety. After doing 15 minutes of Wim Hof breathing that night, it was the first time he wasn’t over-thinking, worrying about the future, and sincerely looked forward to the next day. Yet, he would practice the method on and off when he felt like it.

Then one morning in January 2022, after taking adderall and scrolling on his phone to the point of his feet going numb on the toilet, he decided to go ALL in with the Wim Hof Method. This ...

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Merrill Cushman

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