Wim Hof Method

Shelley Mehr

Level 2

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Mindfulness Coach

Training Specialty:
Wellness Consultant

Utah, USA

Shelley is a mountain, nature, & water lover! She loves to share this method and guide others into there most authentic self!

Instructor Level


Shelley Mehr is a Level 2 Wim Hof Certified Instructor, she loves to bring the power of breath, mind and body in alignment. Alongside honoring the deep surrender and challenge of the cold into an exquisite expierence. Awakening the inner world of conscious exploration and profound inner insights into the subtle realms of your consciousness. She facilitates a safe and empowering space for you to deeply feel who you truly are and what you are truly capable of. With sound healing alchemy crystal bowls and the centering of the drum Shelley and her team create a space of pure connection, embodiment and deep rejuvenation!

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