Terry Mellors
Level 1
Training Specialty:
Breath, Wim Hof Method, Buteyko Method Instructor
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK
I Breathe I Heal I Am
Instructor Level

Hello, welcome
Having spent many years trying to figure out why I was struggling with myself and the world, having done much research into mind body and the human element, I just couldn't say that I had found a life enhancing tool that really helped me. I was losing the battle with my mind to be honest.
My adventurous career has taken me into varied areas of life, as a creative designer/artist, performing arts and teaching has led me to meet so many people struggling with similar problems to mine.
Finding that Eureka moment, something that helps you to cope, to fight back physically and mentally is truly miraculous. Two years ago I finally found it in breathing and cold practice. Aka, Th... Read more
Terry Mellors

Overall Rating :
45 Reviews