Autoimmune disease relief
Autoimmune diseases are characterized by an abnormal response from the immune system to a normal part of the body. In people with an overactive immune system, antibodies which are meant to neutralize pathogens, start to attack the body's own, healthy cells. A wide variety of proteins and tissues throughout the body can be mistaken for a foreign substance, and hence over 80 types of these disorders exist. MS, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus and type 1 diabetes are some examples of conditions that are considered autoimmune diseases. It is estimated that approximately seven percent of the US population suffers from a disease in the autoimmune category. There is no cure for autoimmune disorders, so managing related symptoms is key to maintaining a certain quality of life. The Wim Hof Method is ideally suited to find relief from these symptoms, as Wim Hof Method practice directly dampens the immune response. You can experience the power of the Wim Hof Method yourself by following our free Wim Hof Method Mini class.
Symptoms of an autoimmune disease
Many autoimmune diseases have overlapping symptoms, which makes it hard to diagnose a specific autoimmune disorder. Especially the early stages of the different disorders are very similar, and patients with autoimmunity often suffer from more than one disorder at a given time.
Some of the early symptoms of autoimmunity include:
- - muscle ache
- - fatigue
- - fever
- - hair loss
- - swelling and redness
- - insomnia
- - mouth ulcers
Diagnosing autoimmune diseases usually involves physical examinations, complemented by blood tests that detect autoantibodies.
Autoimmune disease treatment:
When diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, treatment is usually focused on controlling the related symptoms. These symptoms can range from mild to downright disabling, and some of the disorders are characterized by flare-ups. Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants to curtail the symptoms of autoimmunity.

Find relief from an autoimmune disease with the Wim Hof Method
Did you know that you can find autoimmune disease relief using the Wim Hof Method? The Wim Hof Method is an easy to understand and powerful method that helps people from all over the world to take control over their mind and their body. The method is developed by ‘Iceman’ Wim Hof , who is known for his incredible collection of Guinness World Records related to cold temperatures and extreme sports. Recently, scientists have begun to unravel the physiological mechanisms behind the method. They have found evidence that the unique combination of breathing exercises , commitment, and controlled exposure to cold can be used to control the autonomic nervous system, and by extension the immune system.
One scientific experiment, in which a group of Wim Hof Method students and a group of control subjects were injected with a harmless pathogen, showed that the followers of the Wim Hof Method were able to control their immune response, which caused them fewer flu-like symptoms compared to the control group. Unsurprisingly, followers of the Wim Hof Method with immune related disorders such as MS, asthma, fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, experience significant improvements regarding symptoms related to autoimmunity.
Practice the Wim Hof Method
Practicing the Wim Hof Method yourself is as easy as signing up for our online Fundamentals video course. This is a comprehensive video course, with a total length of more than 13 hours, in which Wim Hof teaches you all about the Wim Hof Method and its principles. The video course is in English, and subtitles are available in French, Dutch, Spanish, and German. You get unlimited access to the videos, so you can watch them whenever you feel like it. The only things that you will have to provide yourself are a quiet space and a connection to the internet.
You can watch some testimonials from people who already use the Wim Hof Method here.
The three pillars
Breathing exercises, commitment, and controlled exposure to cold are considered as the three pillars on which the Wim Hof Method is built. Combined, they have powerful effects on both body and mind. People who gave the method a try reported feeling happier, healthier, and stronger. Wim’s method is easy to incorporate into your daily routine, so you can reap its benefits on a daily basis. Reported benefits include stress reduction, better sleep, more creativity, improved recovery from physical exercise and relief from conditions such as MS, fibromyalgia, asthma, arthritis, depression, and lyme disease. You can watch some testimonials of people who have already tried the method here.

Wim Hof Method References
Wim Hof Method is assesed on average with an 9.5 out of 10 based on 2147 experiences written by participants