Wim Hof Method


9 result(s) found
8 January, 2024

New Study: Keep your mental in balance with the Wim Hof Method

A new study reinforces the notion that Wim Hof Method practice keeps your mood up and your stress down.

28 March, 2022

5 Healthy Bedtime Routines for Adults

Establishing a bedtime routine can help prime your mind and body for a restful night’s sleep. Use these 5 practices to start building your own routine.

13 October, 2020

How Iceman Wim Hof Uncovered the Secrets to Our Health

Susan Casey of Outside Online on everything Wim Hof: his story, his method, his mission.

5 August, 2020

Breathing & Blood Sugar

Can WHM breathing improve your blood glucose level?

31 October, 2019

Hormetic Hypoxia

What the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine has to do with the Wim Hof Method.

11 September, 2019

Sexual Kung Fu

Breathe your sex life to the next level.

22 March, 2019

Happy as a Tree

Our bodies mirror the Earth closer than you might think.

17 April, 2018

Blogcast: A Masterclass in Hormesis

SotR #13: Dina and Matthias have ‘toxicology rock star’ Edward Calabrese break down the concept that is key to understanding why assaulting your body with cold is a good thing.

15 February, 2018

Blogcast: Breaking Down the Breathing

SotR #12: Professor Marc Cohen shares fascinating insight into some homeostasis-testing phenomena, and breaks down the various physiological stages of WHM breathing.