Wim Hof Method


15 result(s) found
30 August, 2023

Wim Hof’s back-to-school guide for mental health

Good mental health is super important to ace the school year. That is why we have created a back-to-school guide for mental health. This guide contains simple tips and tricks to help you with things like concentration, better sleep, and stress reduction.

30 September, 2022

Meditation exercises for different purposes

Did you know that there are different types of meditation exercises that serve different purposes? We cover some of them in this blog post.

10 August, 2022

Breathing exercises for better sleep

People who experience sleep disturbances, anxiety, and stress, may benefit from breathing exercises before they go to sleep.

19 July, 2022

Natural remedies for psoriasis

2 to 3 percent of the world's population suffers from psoriasis: an autoimmune disease that many people are embarrassed over. Although there is no cure for psoriasis, there are methods to reduce the symptoms.

29 April, 2022

Relaxation techniques to achieve a state of calmness

By practicing relaxation techniques, you can gain various mental and physical benefits. For example, they ensure a good night's sleep, a clear mind, a lower heart rate, and less stress.

20 April, 2022

A guide for Tummo meditation

Tummo breathing can help you to awaken your inner fire, and reduce stress and anxiety. In this article, we are going to tell you everything about Tummo breathing and how you can practice Tummo meditation.

16 April, 2021

Learn how to meditate

Meditation exercises have an important role in the Wim Hof Method. Find out what meditation exactly is and why it is so good for your health.

10 April, 2020

Staying positive and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak

Learn how you can stay positive and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak, by practicing The Wim Hof Method.

7 February, 2020

When the Children go Aum

You're never too young for mindfulness.

19 September, 2019

Carl Jung on pranayama breathing

The famous psychoanalyst's views on this Eastern yoga practice.

10 May, 2019 - news

The secret weapon against stress is meditation

Work’s worst enemy is stress. Meditate on that.

2 April, 2019 - news

Yoga's Word

Understanding the meaning behind the word "Yoga" in the strive for "Samadhi".

1 June, 2018

Blogcast: Mindfulness Meets Wim Hof Method

SotR #14: Dina & Matthias talk to neuroscientist Britta Hölzel about how WHM breathing sessions appear conducive to meditation, mindfulness & stress reduction, and the neural mechanisms at play.

1 September, 2017

How to Ditch Friends and Influence Weight

Choose a circle of influence that supports your healthy eating.

14 August, 2017

Shortcut Twenty Years in a Monastery by This Simple Hack

Shock your body into presence to overcome your vices.