Wim Hof Method


20 result(s) found
30 August, 2023

Wim Hof’s back-to-school guide for mental health

Good mental health is super important to ace the school year. That is why we have created a back-to-school guide for mental health. This guide contains simple tips and tricks to help you with things like concentration, better sleep, and stress reduction.

10 August, 2022

Breathing exercises for better sleep

People who experience sleep disturbances, anxiety, and stress, may benefit from breathing exercises before they go to sleep.

25 July, 2022

Cold showers vs. hot showers

If your body is craving a hot shower, you are not alone. Most people turn the hot tap wide open to feel the warmth over their bodies. But, it is also definitely worth it to incorporate cold showers into your daily routine.

19 May, 2022

The Aging Athlete’s Self Care Guide

And how the Wim Hof Method can help

29 April, 2022

Relaxation techniques to achieve a state of calmness

By practicing relaxation techniques, you can gain various mental and physical benefits. For example, they ensure a good night's sleep, a clear mind, a lower heart rate, and less stress.

10 April, 2020

Staying positive and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak

Learn how you can stay positive and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak, by practicing The Wim Hof Method.

7 February, 2020

When the Children go Aum

You're never too young for mindfulness.

17 December, 2019

Cold showers in the deep

The deeper history and meaning behind immersing oneself in cold water.

16 October, 2019

On will and method

The superpower that can take down obstacles and bring turtles back to their beach.

19 September, 2019

Carl Jung on pranayama breathing

The famous psychoanalyst's views on this Eastern yoga practice.

11 September, 2019

Sexual Kung Fu

Breathe your sex life to the next level.

1 August, 2019

Self-Care: Protecting Yourself Against Burnout

Learn how to prevent burnout before it takes root.

4 July, 2019


Technology simplifies life. That’s simply out of the question. But if technology does everything, what does a human do?

14 June, 2019

Food for Thought

How bad are bad apples, really?

22 May, 2019 - news


The 2018 World Happiness Report, published by the UN indicates Finland as the world’s happiest country, both for natives of Finland and for those who relocated there from abroad.

10 May, 2019 - news

The secret weapon against stress is meditation

Work’s worst enemy is stress. Meditate on that.