Wim Hof Method

Brenda Tjoelker-Braber

Level 2

Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star (21)
Mindfulness Coach

Training Specialty:
Shiatsu, Heartmath Coach, Personal Development Coaching & Training.

De Leeuwhof 4b, Valkenburg, Netherlands

Instructor Level


See also English translation further below:

Mijn naam is Brenda Tjoelker (1964) en ik ben moeder van 2 kinderen. Daarnaast ben ik  founder en eigenaar van Essential Movements; een praktijk voor complementaire geneeswijze waar tevens ondersteuning en begeleiding wordt aangeboden middels diverse trainings- en coachingstrajecten. 

Naast Wim Hof instructeur ben ik tevens shiatsutherapeut, gelicenseerd Heartmath coach,kinderyoga docent en bewustzijnstrainer (Authentic Leadership Quinter Academy). Ook werk ik op freelance basis als fascilitator voor LEAP travel. LEAP travel organiseert avontuurlijke reizen wereldwijd. Belangrijke kernpunten van deze reizen zijn: "Learning, Experience, Awareness & Purification".

Mijn levensmotto: “In je grootste weerstand of diepste angst zit je grootste ontwikkeling. The bigger the drama the greater the opportunity”. Ik deel mijn kennis,liefde en ervaring heel graag, het geeft mij het gevoel dat ik werkelijk iets kan bijdragen aan een gezonde en liefdevolle wereld, van binnen en buiten.

Vanuit mijn achtergrond streef ik ernaar de essentiele elementen voor onze gezondheid-fysiek, mentaal,emotioneel en spiritueel met elkaar te verbinden zodat je de unieke manier vindt om het beste in jezelf naar boven te halen, het hogere doel is dat het min of meer A way of life wordt.

Brenda Tjoelker is founder and owner of a practice for complementary medicine: Essential Movements

There she provides therapy and guidance to her clients using different training and coaching techniques. She is a certified Wim Hof ' intructor, a Shiatsu therapist,a licensed Heartmaht coach, a kids-yoga teacher and a personal awareness trainer. Besides a mother of 2 children she is also a freelance fascilitator for LEAP Travel a organization that provides adventurous worldwide journeys with core values that include; learining,experience,awareness and purification.

Brenda's life motto: in our greatest aversion, we will find our greatest growth.Big tragedy provides big opportunities."She is a strong believer in sharing her knowledge and in co-creation: it gives her a sense of contributing to a more healthy and loving world.


Workshop Introduction:

Are you open to discover the unknown?  Are you curious about what you can do even more and how you can take responsibility for your health and wellbeing? Do you dare to challenge yourself to truly become the best version of yourself? This is the workshop for you!!

Workshop location:

Our prime location is at Essential Movements,Strabeek 18, 6301 HS Valkenburg in Southern Limburg.However, workshops are given in additional locations in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Workshop program:

What can you expect?
* Powerful exercises for a better flow in your energy   channels (meridians)
* Deep breathing exercises
* Soothing and energizing concentration and       meditation techniques
* Body techniques to stimulate your inner fire
* A delicious and responsible diner prepared by our nutrition expert
* The ice bath experience as a moment of complete connection with yourself under professional supervision. Not only you train your blood vessels, but it also opens your heart energy. The cold enables you the opportunity to connect in a very profound way.

What is your take away from the Program Workshop?
By using this techniques on a regular basis, the benefits are numerous.

Below some benefits:

* You increase your immune system
* You improve your performance, both physically and mentally
* You will improve your blood circulation
* You experience more balance between body and mind
* You feel more energetic
* You feel more joyful

In short, there are many reasons to experience this for yourself. Your body is a reflection of your physical, menta,emotional and spiritual condition. you examine in the framework of your own body what the combinatiion of concentration, breathing exercises and cold training can do for you. You learn to connect with your Autonomic Nervous System,  how to influence your immune system and how to really listen to the reflections and signals of your own body. This method gives you acces to a new (inner) world!!

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See also English translation further below:

Mijn naam is Brenda Tjoelker (1964) en ik ben moeder van 2 kinderen. Daarnaast ben ik  founder en eigenaar van Essential Movements; een praktijk voor complementaire geneeswijze waar tevens ondersteuning en begeleiding wordt aangeboden middels diverse trainings- en coachingstrajecten. 

Naast Wim Hof instructeur ben ik tevens shiatsutherapeut, gelicenseerd Heartmath coach,kinderyoga docent en bewustzijnstrainer (Authentic Leadership Quinter Academy). Ook werk ik op freelance basis als fascilitator voor LEAP travel. LEAP travel organiseert avontuurlijke reizen wereldwijd. Belangrijke kernpunten van deze reizen zijn: "Learning, Experience, Awaren...

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Brenda Tjoelker-Braber

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