Breathing meditation
Meditation is great for relieving stress, for boosting your concentration, and it can even help you sleep better. Breathing properly is an important part of every form of meditation, as it helps to calm your body, which brings you to a state of relaxation. Focusing on your breath while meditating serves two purposes: it keeps your mind from wandering, and it gives you the opportunity to improve your breathing technique. The Wim Hof Method can help you get the most out of your breaths, and you can easily incorporate the Wim Hof breathing exercises into your meditation routine. Feel free to take our free Mini Class and discover the power of the Wim Hof Method!
How to breathe properly during meditation
Another term for breathing meditation is mindful breathing. It is one of the most basic forms of meditation, and it ultimately enables you to consciously influence your breathing in daily life. Breathing meditation is focused on how deep you breathe, how often you breathe, and the parts of your body that are reached by your breath. Below is a simple exercise that can help you get started with mindful breathing.
The first step is to find a quiet place where you can meditate in peace. The best position for this type of meditation is seated in a chair or on the floor. Make sure you maintain an upright and comfortable posture throughout the exercise.
Just breathe through your nose. Notice the length of your breaths, and where they are going within your body. Are you breathing through your abdomen or your chest? Do you feel your breaths pass your nostrils and your throat?
Stay focused on the sensations that are caused by your breathing, and keep your mind from wandering. It is important to immediately return focus to your breath when you catch yourself lost in thought.
After a while, distracting thoughts will begin to subside, and your mind becomes clear. As you experience a sense of inner peace, stress dissipates, and your body relaxes.
Breathing exercises of the Wim Hof Method
As breathing is vital for our physical and mental wellbeing, breathing exercises are an important part of the Wim Hof Method. The particular breathing exercises of the Wim Hof Method share aspects with ancient techniques such as Tummo meditation and Pranayama yoga, but are ultimately one of a kind. After mastering the breathing exercises, you will be able to release energy within your body, which helps you relieve mental and physical stress, among many other things. Combining the breathing exercises with training your focus and with controlled exposure to cold, helps you gain a level of control over your body that was previously thought to be impossible.
Practice the Wim Hof Method
Wim Hof and his dedicated staff have developed a special Fundamentals video course, to make the Wim Hof Method accessible for as many people as possible. The video course gives you the opportunity to start practicing the method whenever and wherever you want. You can make your way through the course at your own pace, and rewatch the videos as many times as you like. After completion of the video course, you will have proper understanding of all the important aspects of the Wim Hof Method, the underlying physiological mechanisms, and how you can integrate the various exercises into your daily life. You can watch some testimonials from people that already practice the method here.
The three pillars
Three pillars form the foundation of the Wim Hof Method. These pillars are breathing exercises, gradual exposure to cold, and focus. Combining the pillars and actively incorporating them into your daily routines gives you everything you need to become a stronger, happier, and healthier individual. Many of the people who already use the method on a daily basis report very powerful positive effects, such as reduced stress, more energy, an increase in willpower, and even relief from diseases such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. These incredible effects have urged scientists to investigate the physical mechanisms behind the Wim Hof Method. You can read more about their research here.
Wim Hof Method References
Wim Hof Method is assesed on average with an 9.5 out of 10 based on 2147 experiences written by participants