Over the years, ‘Iceman’ Wim Hof has developed a method that is comprised of multiple principles that have enabled him to complete astonishing stunts. Some of his feats include standing in a cylinder filled with ice for more than an hour and completing a half marathon in the Artic on his bare feet. With the help of his method, Wim Hof has managed to break 26 Guinness World Records. The Wim Hof Method is a unique combination of techniques, which enables you to take control over your own body.
With the help of meditation, breathing exercises, and exposure to cold, you can strengthen both your body and your mind. For example, routinely taking cold showers, which are a physical stressor, resets your stress response and ensures that stress won’t feel as overwhelming as it otherwise would. Furthermore, it exercises your nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system, which is beneficial for your overall health. Add meditation and conscious breathing into the mix, and you create a powerful awareness of your body that empowers you to ‘toggle off’ your stress response and prevent a chronic state of stress.